
3 Facebook Business Pages to learn from

There are many ways to customize your Facebook Business page, and many different types of content to share with your audience. Here are my three favorite business pages that are rocking Facebook.

1// drybar

2// Maxine Salon in Chicago

3// Kate Spade

Give them all a like and keep up with what they are doing to attract and keep clients on Facebook. Remember- you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Do your version of what Corporate Brands are doing.


5 Favorite Blogger Templates

Your blog is your voice, and starting a branded great looking blog is easier than ever with some inexpensive and gorgeous templates. Here are my top 5 picks for blog templates to use on a free blogger.com blog. 
1// Goldfish Lily on Etsy 2// Doree on Etsy 3// The Wish template on creative market 4// Gold & Glitter blog template on creative market 5// Charlotte Blogger Template on etsy


Tools + Tips | Mail Chimp

I spoke at length about my love of Mail Chimp at my first Social Animal Course; but I had to reiterate here how amazing it is. Gone are the days that a simple types out email message is acceptable for small business. You now have to run with the big dogs and Mail Chimp makes it so easy to create visually stunning email campaigns for FREE. I said free, people. Doesn't get any better than that.

Cookie Web is a consulting company that have made awesome and simple tutorial videos to help you get set up with Mailchimp and create lists within MailChimp.

Here is the first tutorial video, Creating a Mail Chimp Account 

The second tutorial is Importing and Creating Lists

I will be posting a video about creating Mailchimp Campaigns in the near future that I will be sharing at my Social Animal class next February, so stay tuned for that! If you would like to stay current on all the Evolve news you can subscribe to our Email Newsletters here.


Fearless Marketing on creativeLIVE

Get a plan together and learn some in-depth solutions to create the best executable marketing strategy with best-selling author and marketing expert Barbara Findlay Schenck. View the intro videos and purchase the course at creativelive.com.


Welcome to the New Evolve Business Blog!

I'm so excited to re-launch the Evolve Beauty Business blog, where I will be curating a ton of valuable information, tips, recommendations, and more for the students of my marketing classes and my growing online audience.

As a Glamour Photographer with a fashion flair, I work closely with Beauty Professionals and have started Evolve to give my personal take on marketing and leveling up hairstylists and makeup artists businesses.